Supreme Master Ching Hai Association (Singapore)
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How to Modify your Registration

  1. If you have registered for a retreat/event, but changed your mind about the time you are leaving, meal bookings, or volunteer jobs, you can change these details any time you like during the period open for registration. This can be checked by clicking the title of the event/retreat, on the Home page or the Events page.

  2. Here you can see the period open for registration and other information about the retreat. You can click the "Details" button to check your registration details.

  3. Alternatively, you can also click on the "Details" button on the homepage's event entry.

  4. This is your confirmation page for your registration. To make changes, click on the "Modify Registration" button.

  5. Here you can change the time you leave, meal bookings, and volunteer jobs. Here, I have changed my volunteer job from Audio & Video to Dharma Protector. Click "Save".

  6. Your registration confirmation page will be updated to reflect the changes you have just made.

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