Supreme Master Ching Hai Association (Singapore)
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How to Make Orders

  1. After logging in, click the Order icon in the top menu.

  2. There will be a few different categories of products to order. Click on the "Order" button of the category you want. If you want to order items of different categories, you will create a different order for each category.

  3. Browse through this list of products, or use the search function at the top of the page. To view the details of a product or make an order, click on its name, as shown on the screenshot.

  4. Here you will be able to see the discounted price (if any), a larger image of the product (if any), and the avaliable sizes.

    To make an order of this product:
    1. Click the "Quantity" text box next to the size you want.
    2. Type the quantity you want into the box.
    3. Click the "Add To Order Bag" button.
  5. You will be taken to your Order Bag page.

    From this page, you can:
    • Click the "More Order" button to order more items. You will be taken to the screen in step 3.
    • Click the "Remove" link next to an ordered product to remove it from your order bag.
    • Click the "Edit" link next to an ordered product, to go back to the details screen of the product, and change the quantity and/or size.
    • Click the "Cancel Order" button to remove your order completely.

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