Supreme Master Ching Hai Association (Singapore)
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Urgent Live Broadcast From Supreme Master Ching Hai
Wed, 24 Aug 2011 11:39   (Public)

Recently, with a deep yearning for the world’s conflicts to subside, Supreme Master Ching Hai courageously revealed which leaders’ headquarters are located near or on roads and sub-portals leading to the lower worlds and hell, along with the resulting negative effects on both leaders and their nations.

With Heaven’s grace and her immense sacrifice, as she had compassionately pledged, Supreme Master Ching Hai will soon be announcing the alternative locations to which leaders can move, to avoid dangerous negative influences and achieve peace more quickly.

Be sure to tune in to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s urgent announcement, broadcasting live on Supreme Master TV:


Date: Thursday, 25-Aug-2011
Time: 1.00 a.m.